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Investment Guide (Page 13)

Is An Index Mutual Fund The Best Choice For Long-Term Investing?

Do you believe that the world economy will grow? Do you believe that US economy will grow? I do. The major stock indexes are indicators of economy grow. You can make money use this opportunity buying index funds. Investing into index mutual funds is easy, interesting, and profitable. It takes 5 minutes every month! If you are long-term investor, index funds is for you! It doesn't matter what index you choose. This index will grow due to economy sector... ❯❯❯

Which one is better for investing: Mutual Funds or Stocks

Comparison between Mutual Funds and Stocks Diversification Mutual fund companies invest in a variety of stocks, bonds, and money-market investments, so mutual funds carry much lower risk than stocks. Professional Management Mutual funds enable investors to pool their money and place it under professional investment management. These managers have been around the industry for a long time and have the academic credentials to back it up. Greater... ❯❯❯

Mutual Fund Expenses

An informed investor knows where his money is going. For an investor in mutual funds, it is essential to understand the expenses of mutual funds. These expenses directly influence the returns and cannot be neglected. The expenses of mutual funds are met from the capital invested in them. The ratio of the expenses associated with the operation of the mutual fund to the total assets of the fund is known as the "expense ratio." It can vary from as low as... ❯❯❯

Why You Should Buy No-Load Funds?

Load is defined as the fee or the commission that an investor pays to a mutual fund at the time of purchasing or redeeming the shares of the mutual fund. If the commission is charged when the investor buys the shares, it is known as a front-end load. On the other hand if the commission is charged when the investors redeems his shares, it is known as a back-end load. Certain funds apply back-end loads only if the shares are redeemed within a specific... ❯❯❯

When to Exercise Your Stock Options

Know the Rules Employee stock options can provide you with a substantial source of deferred income and permit you to control the recognition of taxable income. You generally pay no tax when an option is granted because you are not receiving any shares of stock, only the option to purchase shares at a later date. In general, holding an option to acquire stock may be better than holding the stock itself. The option provides protection against loss should... ❯❯❯

5 Secrets For Gold Plating Your Stock Portfolio!

You know, we have only so much time to earn money over the course of our lifetimes, and though we all know we could somehow put a portion of our savings to better use, actively managing a portfolio is something many of us would consciously and subconsciously rather not think about. What strange human foible makes us do this? Well, it might come down to one of two main reasons. One reason is we might not know where to start. We think of managing money as... ❯❯❯

Active Stock Market Timing

Much has been written about the virtues and dangers of active stock market trading, or “market timing.” Most of the pundits and so called "experts" will tell you that stock market timing doesn't work, that it's dangerous, and that "buy and hold" is the best and only way to invest. But this conventional wisdom is patently untrue. Here are the facts based on my research and extensive real time experience. If you want to be a successful stock market... ❯❯❯

Trading With Price and Volume

On any given major stock exchange, from Wall Street to Bombay or from London to Hong Kong, billions of shares are traded each day that represent trillions of dollars exchanged back and forth. This buying and selling action represents volume, which is the result of the exchange of stock or commodity between both buyer and seller. Volume, then, is the prime mover in the price for a given stock or commodity in a given amount of time. If there is more buying... ❯❯❯

The 3 Most Basic Thoughts for Mutual Fund Investing Online

If you are thinking of investing some money then you have thousands of options available in the forms of mutual funds. However, how do you know what the right one or best one is for you to open? Is investing online in mutual funds the right thing for you to do right now? For you to even be able to begin to think about investing online then you must meet a few requirements regarding your computer’s capabilities first. Your computer must be able to... ❯❯❯

Basics of Investment Planning

In today's current investment markets, there has been an increase in the number of individuals deciding and adhering to an investment plan. Perhaps this is caused by the drastic increases in the cost of living or the profound insecurity about the future of social security, and retirement funds. Many families are looking for investments plans which help them build two funds – one for the future and one for the present. Most people are not interested in... ❯❯❯

Investing For Your Retirement

Who wants to think about getting old! This is probably the most common reason given when individuals are asked about whether they have planned for their retirement. Of course no one likes the idea of getting old but there are several things that you can do to make sure you enjoy the later years of your life without the stress and hassle of financial concerns. The popularity of 401ks are a great place to start. Make sure you are aware of how your money,... ❯❯❯

Understanding The Basics of Mutual Funds

When investing in the stock market there are a growing number of ways to actually get your money in to play. Traditionally this involved buying individual shares of a company through one of the world’s many stock exchanges. With a mutual fund you are actually investing in a lot of companies while only putting your money in to one thing. It is best referred to as a money pool. A mutual fund company has investors that buy shares and all of its investors’... ❯❯❯

Understand Bear Markets

A bear market is when the stock market falls for an extended period of time. The fall is usually around 20% and is the opposite of a bull market. A bear market is caused by the decline in stock prices which are directly influenced by a decrease in company profits. Falling stock prices can also be a correction of over valued stock. When stocks become to expensive they will eventually fall to a more reasonable price. The decline stock market is further... ❯❯❯

The Good & The Bad of Online Stock Trading

In order to get consistently positive results from the online stock trading system, you have to have a system of your own. You wont consistently pull positive returns from online stocks if you follow a rag tag system. To help with your investing, here are a couple methods that will give you some direction as to where to start with your online stock trading system. One system you can use is to buy equal dollar amounts of the 10 DJ stocks that have... ❯❯❯

How to Trade Stocks

Understanding how the economy works isn’t the only fundamental analysis tools that are important while trading stocks. You also need to read financial statements to understand the financial status of the companies you want to buy. A Company’s income statements on the other hand give you a look at the results of the most recent period and provide a basis for comparison with prior years and periods. You can use these statements to look at whether revenues... ❯❯❯

7 Ways To Know When To Invest - And When To Get Out

In order to make money in stocks, a trader has to be aware of two key factors: price and timing. Though many traders are good at discerning the trend of a market, their timing is often poor. Although they may know that a stock will move in a given direction, they find it difficult to profit from that knowledge because their market entries and exits are timed incorrectly. Timing is the most important consideration for a short-term trader, trumping even... ❯❯❯

Seven Bad Investments

Investors lose billions of dollars annually. For the most part, they make the same mistakes over and over again. Law enforcement has no interest in helping you recover your stolen money. In fact, law enforcement only acts on about 10% of the complaints that are filed by defrauded investors. Here are seven simply ways that investors lose money every month. 1. You should never invest in a company based solely upon an oral presentation. What you hear is... ❯❯❯

Stock Market Trading

The stock market offers various opportunities for trading. Apart from the main securities, which one can trade on various exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, there are other forms of trading like forex trading, currency trading and 'contracts for difference' also known as CFDs. Stock market trading normally involves opening a trade by going 'Long' (buying) or going 'Short' (selling). The later has been possible through the last few... ❯❯❯

Buy and Hold Investment Strategy

"Buy and hold" is one of the most heralded investment strategies promoted today. "Buy and hold" is also one of the few investment methods where you are guaranteed to lose money 2 out of every 5 why do it? Before expanding on the questionable value of "buy and hold", it's probably best to take a deeper look into who's spending their millions of dollars of marketing money convincing you that "buy and hold" is the best idea and why. "Buy and... ❯❯❯

Investment Strategies for Novices

With so many options available, novices might think that investment is just a matter of choice. But in reality, making the ‘right’ investment choice is the core of making intelligent investment. So what should be the investing strategies for novices? Asset allocation is one of the first investment strategies that should be learnt. It is the way in which you divide your investment portfolio among three primary asset classes: stocks, bonds and money... ❯❯❯

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